Friday, April 4, 2014

Going Through the Temple

As missionaries, we have the opportunity to go through the temple to make sacred covenants with God. I went through on April 4th which was 4/4/14! A date that I am not going to forget!

My mom made it a special day by picking me up in Provo and driving with me up to Bountiful. We got there early and ate in the Cafeteria before beginning the session. I was grateful to have my mother as my escort.

We were first to be seated in the endowment room, and when I noticed that other people were being seated, I turned around and the first person that I saw was my dad who caught my eye and winked at me. I am so grateful for my incredible parents who raised me to this point in my life where I am worthy to go through and make covenants in the temple.

Also with me were my Grandma Rose, Aunt Lia, Uncle Ryan, Jana and Melanie.

Some people had told me that going through the temple for the first time would be a weird experience, but I didn't find it weird at all. I felt very comfortable the entire time and simply had a feeling of peace.

"I Love to see the Temple, I went inside today" <3