Sunday, June 29, 2014

Rachel Speaks in Sacrament Meeting

Hi All!  This is Gina.  Looks like I will be taking over this blog from here on out!  I'll post portions of her emails to us and of course pictures.  I'm mostly excited to write and share her great and maybe not-so-great mission experiences. (Believe me, they're ALL great 25 years later!!) Rachel spoke in Sacrament Meeting for her mission "farewell" today.  Her topic was Personal Revelation.  Fitting.  By this time most of her friends are on missions of their own, but the few who were in town came to support her, as well as a few friends from her year at BYU. Since the mission age change, I believe at least 90% or more of her close HS girlfriends are either out right now or have pending calls!  It is so very exciting! Think of the "Mother Force" of the future!  WOW!!!  I know Ken's and my family would have been here, but Lia and her family and Mom just came to be here with us when Rachel went through the temple and Jen is just about to have a baby and Krista tore her Achilles tendon playing soccer and still is recovering from the surgery!  Ken's mom is also recovering from surgery and they will be here in July right before she leaves for the MTC.  We Love You all! 

Anyway, back to the talk.  She did an excellent job as would be expected :)  She related her own experiences over the last year mostly, of following her own revelation for her life.  She spoke of making the transition to living on her own at school, the decision to serve a mission, and following the spirit on a daily basis.  Flashbacks of numerous primary talks, conducting of YW meetings, youth talks in sacrament meetings and lessons taught at camps and conferences came to my mind. Can there be any better training for children and youth in all the world?!  The gospel surely is perfect!  

After church we came back to the house to have a nice lunch with friends and ward members.  Thanks a million to Jana and Melanie for cooking up a plethora of tender pork in the smoker!  And to everyone else who helped with all kinds of wonderful food and drinks.  It was a warm day and some ate outside and we had great company and conversation.  These are the days...

                                                      Rachel in one of her new mission dresses

From Left:  Maddie (Elizabeth's soccer friend), Elizabeth, Maddie (Elizabeth's friend), Rachel and Megan (Entering MTC same day as Rachel - Going to Michigan on her mission)

Gina and her good friend Sara

Kaleb (second from left) - He just returned from his mission to Guadalajara, Mexico