Friday, May 8, 2015

Small and Simple Things...

book of mormon photo: Book Of Mormon bom1.jpgI am very passionate about the Book of Mormon. If I had to pick an area that my testimony is the strongest in, it would probably be the Book of Mormon. I know that it is true and that by reading it, Heavenly Father will answer your prayers. The witness of the Holy Ghost that I received after praying and pondering is something that I can never deny. A couple of weeks ago, we had the opportunity to teach YW's about the role of the Book of Mormon. At the end, we challenged them to ask a question to Heavenly Father and then look for the answer in the Book of Mormon promising them that they would find an answer. (which I also challenge anyone who reads this to do. It works!) We followed up with them last week and a few of the girls had really neat experiences! One of the leaders told us yesterday that she had asked if she should move to California and read the scripture that said something like, " return swiftly to the land of your inheritance." It was a big answer for her. Teaching YW's was just another thing that we were asked to do and didn't think much of that one either, but it make a big impact on a few people. Hearing that made it all worth it!

We had an Less-Active member call us asking to pray for them as they drove to Knoxville because they needed new tires and couldn't find a place to get them and they were currently driving on a mini replacement tire and were worried they wouldn't make it. We said a prayer right there on the phone and again, didn't think much of it. She later reported to us that right after we prayed, they found a police officer who escorted them to a tire place where they could then buy 2 tires for the price of one! They made it to Knoxville safely :)

"By small and simple things are great things brought to pass." These were little things that we just did because of who we are: as people, and as missionaries. The little things that you may do in your life just because it is who you are - it's natural, it's just what you do - they make a difference! As we have a change of heart and continually become more and more what God needs you to be through his gospel, then you will do so much good for people just because you are Christ-like. Don't underestimate the little things. They go a long way. 

 Last night Hna. Fowers mom called me from Farr West, UT!  These 2 funny girls had sent our Mother's Day gifts in the one box they had, to one house!  They just figured we could meet up and get it and meet each other :)  It was a wonderful conversation.  The youth who are going out to serve missions have been tried and proven and are strong and loving and capable and trusting in their Savior.  It makes me feel so good that they have each other to preach the gospel with in the gathering of the House of Israel. Lasting memories...lasting relationships...lasting testimonies...  

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